Whole Hearted Learning

We believe each child is a whole person, uniquely created by God and can experience education in a whole-hearted manner for all aspects of life; spiritually, academically, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Our leaders encourage parents to select quality, christ-centered resources, that nurture children’s mind, body, soul, and spirit. 

Grace and Glory parents legally have the freedom to utilize faith-based materials for all subjects of education. We promote the timeless educational methods of Charlotte Mason – a British educator who encouraged “co-laboring with the Holy Spirit”  to educate children. She believed that education was about more than passing an exam or getting into the right college; Charlotte’s methods convey that education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a lifestyle.

Our Academy equips and empowers teachers to educate in a manner that brings glory to God. We provide digital tools and resources to help you on your journey. Above all, it is our prayer that student’s graduate from Grace and Glory Academy with not only the abilities, but the desire, to read God’s Word, share God’s Word and know Him as their personal Lord and Savior. May everything we do, be done for the glory of God. [1 Corinthians 10:31]

Recommended Reading: Educating The Whole Hearted Child by Clay & Sally Clarkson for ages 4-14yrs.